
Get Your Share of Black Friday Billboard Revenue


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Black Friday is one of the most promoted sales of the year. It seems everyone from Amazon to Bob’s Muffler Shop does a black Friday sales event. There is plenty of ad revenue to go around, and out-of-home is a big part of it.

Let’s look at the numbers. Black Friday hit a new record in 2020 with consumers spending $9.0 billion, an increase of 21.6% year over year (online sales hit $7.4 billion on Black Friday in 2019), according to Adobe Analytics data.

How do you get more billboard ad sales promoting Black Friday?

Many larger businesses are already advertising for Black Friday and will continue for up to a week afterward. Smaller businesses generally start advertising a week or two in advance of Black Friday. So there’s still time to get in on the action.

Browsing social media for local businesses that are promoting upcoming sales. If they are posting it on their own social media organically, they aren’t necessarily buying any advertising yet. Helping them promote their Black Friday sale could lead to a new advertising relationship.

Local newspapers (yeah, newspapers), are a great place to find leads. Someone advertising a sale in the paper will need OOH to help bring the traffic into their store.

Maybe you’ve gotten some printed advertisements in the mail from local or national brands advertising Black Friday pre-sales. Just like newspapers, direct mail advertising needs the help of OOH and billboards to bring in the foot traffic.

If you’ve seen online advertising through social media or the web, tie those online ads into OOH for a full spectrum advertising campaign. Online ads and billboards work great together!

I’ve done my research, now what?

Make sure you know enough about the business. Do your homework. So you have the info you need when you approach them about adding billboards to their Black Friday advertising campaigns.

Go the extra mile and create a few pieces of spec art that match their sales. Put the ads on nice billboard backgrounds so they can get an idea of what their ads will look like on billboards.

Then, go make some sales!

See related post: Black Friday Advertising Ideas

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