
Tips for Creating Billboard Ad Headlines for Your Advertisers

Billboard Ad Headline Ideas

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“The difference between the almost right word and the right word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.” – Mark Twain

The importance of crafting a great headline for your billboard ads cannot be overemphasized. The headline is the first thing that catches the reader’s attention, and it is what will make them decide whether to read the rest of the billboard or not. A great headline is the foundation of a successful ad campaign, and it is what will separate your ad from the hundreds of others out there.

The purpose of a headline is to grab the reader’s attention and encourage them to read the rest of the advertisement. It should be compelling, engaging, and relevant to the reader. A great headline should also convey the benefit or solution that the product or service provides.

The psychology of headlines is fascinating. People are drawn to headlines that make them feel a certain way, whether it’s excitement, fear, or curiosity. A great headline will tap into the reader’s emotions and make them feel something, which will encourage them to read on.

Ideas to get you started on your billboard ad headline:

  1. Ask a question. One of the best examples is the “Got Milk” tagline. Asking the reader a question is a great way to get them thinking. Need a new car? With a photo of a junker car (auto dealer). House too small? With a clever illustration of a crowded house (real estate agent).
  2. Solve a problem. Since people buy solutions, not products, this is a direct way to tell the public how your advertiser can solve their problem. Trouble sleeping? (mattress company).
  3. Show a benefit. Tell your audience about the advantages of the product or service. This can be as simple as “Save Time with…” or “The Easiest Way to…”

There are a couple of tools available to help you create great headlines for your billboard advertisers:

  1. Brandon Gaille is a marketer who has accumulated thousands of headlines for just about any advertiser. From real estate agents to tourism and hospitality, there are tons of slogans and headline ideas for your inspiration. Check out his website here.
  2. Using technology to create headlines. Ai websites like ChatGPT can write headline ideas for you. Simply input a command and give a few details about your advertiser. Example: Write a short ad headline for a local grocery store. Some things to reference: local, mom & pop, fresh, community, neighborhood, and affordable. Response: “Supporting the Community, One Bite at a Time!”

Note: You should never use a headline or slogan for an ad without first checking to see if it’s trademarked. It’s a good idea to search the internet for the headline to see if it’s being used by other brands. The US Patent & Trademark Office has a search function as well.

Crafting a great headline for your billboard ads is crucial to the success of your ad campaign. It is the first thing that the reader sees, and it is what will make them decide whether to read on or move on. A great headline should be compelling, engaging, and relevant to the reader. It should also convey the benefit or solution that the product or service provides.

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