
Getting & Sharing OOH Testimonials

Mr. Tasty

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Everyone loves a good testimonial. It’s word of mouth advertising that you can use over and over again. A handful of great testimonials can say a lot for the integrity of your billboard company and staff. In this article we’ll look at how to get them from your clients and where to post them. Specifically for out of home advertising companies.

Getting Testimonials

The easiest way to grow your testimonial list is to simply ask. You’ve probably gotten a kind word or thank you from a previous customer in the past. As soon as that happens, if you ask your client if they mind you using their statement as a testimonial they will almost always agree.

You can also go through some of your old emails and find statements where customers have been happy with your work and told you about it. There is a potential gold mine of testimonials just waiting to be gathered. Simply email them back and ask for permission.

If you have a company facebook page, and you should, you may already have “reviews” that you can use as testimonials. If a client has posted a review about you on your facebook page, that info is public domain for you to share wherever you please. It’s a courtesy, of course, to ask permission if you plan on posting it to other sources.

Another way of getting testimonials is to pick a handful of customers you are currently advertising for, whom you know are happy with your service, and ask them if they mind you using them as a testimonial. If they agree but don’t know what to say, you can just come up with a short sentence or two that is fairly generic and email it to them to approve.

Shorter testimonials are better because you can post them on your available billboards. If a client gives you a long testimonial that is great… just condense it to a short sentence if you want to post it on a billboard.

Sharing Testimonials

Now that you have a stock pile of great testimonials it’s time to show them off. The first and most obvious place to share them is on your website. Create a page specifically for testimonials on your website and have a button at the top of the page so visitors can easily find it. You might even pick the best one and feature it on your home page.

You can also share them on your social media pages. Facebook is a great place but it usually looks nicer to design a cool graphic instead of just a text post.

You might create a “Testimonial Book” using a cheap photo book printing site like shutterfly. You can keep a copy of the book in your office, give them to sales reps to show customers, etc… Tasty Ad will be posting more details about this in the future.

The best testimonials are video testimonials. If you are in the right place at the right time and a customer is complimenting your service, don’t be afraid to take out your phone and get a short video testimonial. Not everyone is comfortable being recorded but it doesn’t hurt to ask!

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