
What Vinyl Weight Should I Print My Wraps On?

What vinyl weight should I print my billboards on

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It’s a question as old as time… well maybe not. But it’s an important one if you are just starting out or if you’ve been printing your vinyl billboards on the same exact material forever and need to re-evaluate for cost or longevity sake. Let’s look at the pros and cons between lighter weight and heavier weight billboard vinyl.

Lightweight vinyl (5oz and below)

•Lightweight – easy to carry up the billboard.
•Most affordable vinyl option.

•Deicate – must be installed carefully so no rips or tears happen.
•Easily damaged in heavy winds.

Heavyweight vinyl (11oz and up)

•Withstands heavy winds the best.

•Heavy – hard to lift and carry up the billboard.
•Most expensive option.

Billboard Vinyl Weights

Personally, we’ve found the middle ground to be the best option. For years we used an 11-13 oz billboard wrap vinyl, simply because they last longer. But the difference between a mid-grade and heavy-grade vinyl wasn’t enough to keep us using it. We switched to a 7oz vinyl 4-5 years ago and haven’t looked back since. The install guys love it because they don’t have to strain pulling it up on the catwalk. And the lifespan… we haven’t noticed a considerable difference between the heavier. There may be a vinyl or two per year that needs replacing due to wind damage, but who’s to say an 11 or 13 wouldn’t have torn as well?

We even print our poster flex billboards on 7 oz! You are less likely to rip them while installing them and the cost difference isn’t that much. Plus, if they need to last a little longer due to a client renewing, you don’t have to worry about it.

What vinyl weight do you print your billboards on? We’d love to know! Email us at info@tastyad.com and share your story.

Note: Not all vinyl weights are created equally. Check your printer for specific lifespans and durabilities.


I switched to 7 oz. from the heavier weights since my vinyl advertisers usually change their vinyls seasonally or annually but some 7 oz. vinyls have lasted 2+ years depending on sun exposure. I’ve found the fade to be more of an issue vs. the weight and tearing over time.
Glenn Khoury
Encore Outdoor Advertising

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