What Should I Put in My Valentine’s Ad?

Valentines Advertising Tips

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Advertising for Valentine’s Day can be tough, especially if your business doesn’t traditionally provide services or products that are “romantic.” In addition, it’s easy to get lost in the swirl of hearts, flowers, and chocolate adorning advertisements everywhere.

However, don’t be discouraged! With a little creativity and planning, you can create Valentine’s Day content that will get noticed. Here are a few ideas to help you advertise for Valentine’s Day:

  • No matter your industry, keep ad campaigns simple and easy to read and don’t use too many words or graphics. If you have specials, make sure they are listed front and center.
  • Consider using social media to specifically target an audience you want to appeal to – narrow it down to your ideal customer.
  • Collect stories, pictures, and video from your customers and give them a platform to share on; this builds community and opens up the door for more communication
  • Be creative and connect ads to things going on in your business to draw foot traffic
  • Don’t forget the single folks and others who aren’t into the traditional Valentine’s Day stuff – they are by and large forgotten and represent a significant market share

These ideas should get you started – if you are a Valentine’s Day veteran, what are some unique or tried-and-true ad campaigns you have used in the past?

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