What makes a good billboard company website?

Having a great website is critical to every out of home advertising companies’ success. It’s the easiest way for agencies and potential customers to find your available inventory and connect with you. Your online presence can make a huge difference when it comes to your sales, now more than ever, as people have grown accustomed to doing their own research before making purchases, even when it comes to their advertising dollars.
Let’s look at the top 5 things your billboard company website needs to succeed…
Number 1) Inventory, Inventory, Inventory
Perhaps the most important aspect of your website should be your inventory list. Every billboard face and every structure should have its own page with specifics; including GPS coordinates, traffic / Geopath data, face size, which way it faces and reads, etc. A link to a Google map marking the billboard’s location will help visitors see exactly where your billboard is located.
Number 2) Great Photos sell Billboards
Just like great kitchens sell houses… great photos sell billboards. Your inventory pages should feature closeup and distance shots. Your photos should be high enough resolution and shot on a sunny or partly cloudy day. For best results, wait for traffic to drive by to take the shot!
Number 3) Your Website Should be User and Mobile-Friendly
If your website is too busy, cluttered or unorganized, your visitors will have a hard time finding what they need. Stick to a simple color palette and make sure your navigation is clear and consistent throughout your website. Your website should also look as good on a phone as it does a computer screen. Consider this: your website will be viewed on a phone 30-40% of the time.
Number 4) Easily Accessible and Up-To-Date Contact Info
Make sure you have a contact button on all of your pages. Traditionally it is the last button or link in the far right of your menu bar on the top of your screen. You should have a phone number, email address, physical address, and a contact form. The more contact points the better. The contact form is by far the easiest way for your potential advertisers to contact you.
Number 5) Secure Website (SSL)
Did you know when it comes to ranking a website higher than another… Google favors websites with SSL? Secure websites show the small padlock icon in the top left of the browser’s address bar. This feature makes it harder for hackers to gain access to your website and it’s users.