
Tasty Ad’s Story

Tasty Ads Story

Tasty Ad is a unique sales and design tool for the out-of-home advertising industry. Created by Shane Hutton (Creative Director at Roland Digital Media) and Dave Roland (President of Roland Digital Media). Here are a few things about them.

Dave Roland

Dave wasn’t always in the advertising business, but he showed signs of entrepreneurship and creativity from an early age. From the first lawn he mowed for 50 cents at age nine to his first career move as an engineer. Ever since graduating from Tennessee Tech, he’s been on the move in the advertising business world. Dave has been in the sign business since 1984 and currently owns and manages Roland Digital Media, a thriving billboard and advertising company with 350+ sign faces in Middle Tennessee.

Shane Hutton

With a graphic design degree and over fifteen years of design experience Shane turns ideas into reality. He started his career at a sign and design shop and currently works at Roland Digital Media as a Creative Director. He has been designing billboards for 8 years and knows what it takes to make effective ads. He has created several software projects including InstaLogo for mobile. Tasty Ad was created to fill a need in the industry where digital billboard content needed to be created quickly yet still be very effective for advertisers.

We have combined proven strategies, tools and techniques that optimize sales and encourage client retention. Tasty Ad is at first glance, an incredibly fast and easy way to design OOH ads and present them to potential or existing clients in the most professional and impactful way. However, it’s much more than that. We provide resources to help you use these tools and techniques, such as videos, promotional and marketing content you can share with your customers and online seminars. All free to our Tasty Ad subscribers!

Creating Ads:

Presenting the Ads:

You also get access to:

But that is not all that we offer! We offer custom ads, mini billboards, and ad space to advertise on. If you would like more information, go HERE.



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