
Out of Home Advertising Industry Lends Platforms to Amplify Ad Council’s COVID-19 Messaging to the Public

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As part of their ongoing efforts to address the growing COVID-19 pandemic, the Ad Council, White House, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), have convened Out of Home (OOH) industry leaders, including Clear Channel Outdoor, Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) and Circle Graphics, to bring critical coronavirus safety messaging to the American public. From mall kiosks to airport TVs to Uber car tops and billboards, the industry is leveraging their extensive networks and donating premium inventory to help slow the spread of the virus.

“It’s times like these, when it’s so important that the industry rallies together for good,” said Lisa Sherman, president & CEO of the Ad Council. “We’re incredibly grateful to all of our extraordinary Out of Home partners who are ensuring that these critical messages are being seen by the American people.”

While each platform is providing customized support, all creative assets drive audiences to www.coronavirus.gov, a centralized resource from HHS and the CDC, which includes up-to-date information on the COVID-19 crisis.

Out of Home industry support includes:

  • Circle Graphics is donating printing and placement services to get creative assets in markets that have limited digital OOH availability, fulfilling on an important need in many communities.

  • Clear Channel Outdoor created new OOH content for the #AloneTogether social distancing campaign and is featuring it on digital billboards across their entire digital OOH network.

  • Firefly is supporting the COVID-19 work across their platform on digital screens topping ride-share vehicles and taxis in major markets.

  • Intersection is currently running the creative on their assets in New York City and continues to work with the Ad Council to launch multiple distribution efforts nationally.

  • Lightbox is running the PSAs across their video screens in malls across the U.S.

  • OAAA will promote through their channels and leverage their membership, including Cooley Group, GSTV, JCDecauxLamar Advertising Company, and OUTFRONT Media, to amplify support.

  • Octopus Interactive is activating its nationwide network of digital displays inside rideshare vehicles to deliver the campaign’s ads to passengers.

  • ReachTV launched the PSAs across TVs in 90 different airports, reaching an estimated 18.3 million people per month with Ad Council’s COVID-19 messaging. In addition, another estimated 15 million video views across the ReachTV Celebrity Fan pages on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Uber is activating its cartop OOH ad space technology, bringing the campaign’s messaging to multiple markets across the U.S.

This most recent announcement is part of the Ad Council’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 crisis, convening the country’s media to ensure the American public is receiving critical and vetted information during this unprecedented time.

Partner Quotes

Circle Graphics
“The American public looks to the Ad Council in times of crisis, and Circle Graphics hopes getting strategically placed printed materials placed by our partners Clear Channel, Lamar Advertising, Outfront and others will extend the reach of these lifesaving messages.” Rod Rackley, President of Out of Home at Circle Graphics

Clear Channel Outdoor Americas
“Out of home has historically played an essential role in informing our communities and residents on how to stay safe during times of uncertainty and crisis. We are proud to partner with the Ad Council on this critical ad campaign,” said Scott Wells, Chief Executive Officer, Clear Channel Outdoor Americas. “Right now, like many companies across the globe, we’re making every effort to ensure the well-being of our employees, families, partners and communities during these uncertain times.”

“Firefly is proud to provide necessary inventory for vital messaging and stands with the Ad Council during this global crisis.” Gregory Stock, Director of Public Affairs & Partnerships at Firefly

“Our mission is to improve the experience of public space and providing vital information is an important part of that,” said Michael Rosen, CRO of Intersection and member of the Ad Council’s Leadership Council. “We’re proud to be part of the Ad Council and out of home industry’s efforts to ensure COVID-19 messaging reaches millions of people, where it matters.”

“Knowing that we have a powerful medium to reach large audiences across the country, Lightbox jumped at the chance to get the CDC and Ad Council’s COVID-19 messages in market immediately. We’re huge supporters of all of the Ad Council’s efforts, and there is no more important one right now than urging the public to help slow the curve.” Heawon Yoo, SVP of Marketing at Lightbox.

Octopus Interactive 
 “While we understand folks should stay inside as we attempt to flatten the curve, we support our drivers who are helping essential workers get to their destinations. Our focus remains on public safety, and we’re proud to help the Ad Council in their efforts to inform the public during these uncertain times.” CEO, Cherian Thomas, CEO, Octopus Interactive

“With airports being our largest TV distribution, we’re feeling the impact of this pandemic like many Americans. Our focus right now though is on everyone’s safety and well-being. We’re so proud of how companies are coming together to do their part. We will defeat this virus and come out of this stronger than ever!” Lynnwood Bibbens, CEO & Co-Founder, ReachTV 

The Ad Council

The Ad Council has a long history of creating life-saving public service communications in times of national crisis, starting in the organization’s earliest days during World War II to September 11th and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy. Its deep relationships with media outlets, the creative community, issue experts and government leaders make the organization uniquely poised to quickly distribute life-saving information to millions of Americans.

The Ad Council is where creativity and causes converge. The non-profit organization brings together the most creative minds in advertising, media, technology and marketing to address many of the nation’s most important causes. The Ad Council has created many of the most iconic campaigns in advertising history. Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk. Smokey Bear. Love Has No Labels.

The Ad Council’s innovative social good campaigns raise awareness, inspire action and save lives. To learn more, visit AdCouncil.org, follow the Ad Council’s communities on Facebook and Twitter, and view the creative on YouTube.

SOURCE The Ad Council

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