
5 Ways to Measure Brand Awareness from OOH

Brand Awareness OOH Measurement

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Out-of-home advertising (OOH) is a great tool for brand awareness. If you (or your advertiser’s) primary goal is to get your business or product name in front of the masses to increase awareness, billboards, and OOH are a staple in doing so effectively and easily. But how do you measure the results of your OOH branding campaign? Let’s take a look at a few easy ways to do this.

Website Traffic OOH Measurement

Web Traffic

If you’re not using google analytics to measure your website traffic, you’re behind the times. Web traffic is one of the most important pieces of the puzzle when it comes to measurement. When your brand awareness campaign begins to run on billboards, you should start seeing a noticeable rise in your organic web traffic.

The term “organic traffic” is used for referring to the visitors that land on your website as a result of unpaid (“organic”) search results. … Visitors who are considered organic find your website after using a search engine like Google or Bing, so they are not “referred” by any other website.



Social Likes OOH Measurement

Increased Social Media Followers

You may not be using a tool to track your number of followers on social media, so to properly measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness campaign, you’ll want to make note of the number of followers you have before you start your campaign. That way you’ll be able to track how much you gain from your ad campaign.



Social Media Engagement

You should notice a decent increase in your social media engagement as well as your number of followers. Social media engagement measures the public shares, likes, and comments on an online business’ social media efforts.



Brand Awareness Surveys

Asking your targeted demographic if they have heard of you is a surefire way to measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness OOH campaigns. Ask them questions like: How did they learn about your brand? What do they know about your brand? What do they think of when they see your branding? Use surveys conducted via email, phone, or through website forms.

Tools like SurveyMonkey and Typeform provide templates for brand awareness surveys and will help you track and organize responses.



Conversation OOH


Asking your walk-in traffic and phone callers how they heard about your business is an even more direct way to learn about how they heard about your business. Have they seen your billboard? What did they think?



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