
Free President’s Day Billboard Ad

Large billboard on old underground subway wall Mockup

Happy President’s Day from Tasty Ad to the Out of Home industry. Our gift to you is a President’s Day ad that’s free for you to download and display on your billboards. If you need help just let us know.

Right click on the images below and choose “Save As”

Presidents Day Billboard - 400x800

400×800 | Fits 4×8, 5×10, 8×16, 10×20, 12×24, etc.


Presidents Day Billboard - 400x920

400×920 | Fits 10×23, 10.5×24, 13×30, etc.


Presidents Day Billboard - 400x1200

400×1200 | Fits 10×30, 10.5×32, 11×33, 12×36, 14×42, etc.


Presidents Day Billboard - 400x1400

400×1400 | Fits 10×35, 10.5×36, 12×42, 14×48, etc.


See more of our free billboard/OOH downloads here.


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