Creating Successful DOOH Campaigns for Lawyers

Lawyers are widely known for utilizing static billboards more than digital, however, digital campaigns can have as big of an impact as static campaigns if created properly. Digital billboards can have benefits over static locations because of their flexibility with creative and location targeting capabilities.
What makes a successful lawyer digital billboard campaign?
A lawyer looking to maximize engagement and impact with a digital billboard campaign should focus on creating multiple/high-impact messages. Here are a few approaches:
Offering tips to the public is a great way to build trustworthiness
Showcasing the success the lawyer has had in previous cases shows power and stability
Showcasing the lawyer’s awards and accolades shows the viewer why they should choose them over other firms
Targeting the right demographic
Choosing locations based on the demographics of clientele that most often utilize legal services can have a great increase in campaign effectiveness.
Best billboard placement based on demographics:
• Highways & Major Roads → Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration, Bankruptcy
• Nightlife Areas → DUI & Criminal Defense
• Suburbs & Family Areas → Divorce, Estate Planning
• Business Districts → Corporate & Business Law
• Near Hospitals → Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury
• Near Courthouses → Criminal Defense, Family Law