Considering SmartLink? Read this!

From SmartLink’s website:
The SmartLink System has become the standard in monitoring and remote control for the Out of Home Advertising industry. SmartLink centralizes all of your inventory, allowing users to view and manage their locations lighting and maintenance from any computer, tablet, or the SmartLink App.
SmartLink maximizes your savings potential, reduces utility consumption drastically, and reduces the time you spend on solving issues. Our system alerts users in real time to any maintenance issues that occur, allowing you to respond in the proper manner.
At Roland Digital Media (An Outdoor Company in Tennessee) we’ve been using SmartLink for years. We started with a few units on our static signs to control our lighting and gradually added SmartLink devices to roughly 90% of our 350+ face inventory. We now use it to monitor our 35 digital billboards when we have issues and need to remotely power cycle them. They also let us know if someone tries to tamper with our billboards and they also have the ability to take photos of the perpetrators.
What does SmartLink offer for billboard companies?
Power functionality, camera systems, tamper and security features, light control and more.
Does SmartLink pay for itself?
The short answer is yes. It may take some time but if you consider the fuel it takes to drive a bucket truck many miles away to power cycle a digital billboard that has a panel out, or resetting your lights network wide to adjust for summer/winter, then you are looking at some pretty significant savings. Not to mention the peace of mind.
Pros & Cons:
PRO – There’s a mobile app so you can check alarms and power cycle signs without having a computer.
CON – The price can be an issue, especially if you have a lot of structures.
PRO – The software is super easy to use.
CON – Installation isn’t necessarily hard but requires an electrician. (Or you can hire their crew).
PRO – Everyone there is easy to work with and very polite.
Want to speak with someone at Roland in depth about their experience? Contact us and we’ll have someone give you a call.